11 March, 2010

| Pocket, but kinda useful |

ok, so.. this is pretty much all I have for my programming final exam.. yup, that's right nothing.. I can't seem to get the motivation to start it.. I get from work kinda late, at 7pm.. and after 1 hour of public transportation and 9 hours doing banners which are slowly detrimenting my creativity, I honestly don't feel like thinking how am I gonna start this project for programming..
I hate this kinda attitude, but I can't help it.. Around 3pm, I'm at my best and I wanna get home to start doing it.. but at 7pm.. hell no, I'm too tired, im not motivated at all.. Don't get me wrong, I love my degree, I just feel really tired after spending 9 hours in a place I no longer like (except for a few people in there), doing things that just mess with my brains..
How should I deal with this? I need a new attitude that'll help me do everything I wanna do.. Any ideas??

Oh yeah, and my pocket digital camera does know how to create the feeling that I'm using two different lenses, since if I don't use zoom, close objects with square shape will curve at the sides, as if I was using a wide-angle lens; and if I use zoom, like in this photo, it'll act as if it were a telephoto lens.
(and mind you, I know I could've just taken a screencap of my laptop, but that's not the point of this project :P)


  1. proyect? XD
    no es PROJECT? mmmmmmmmmmm no se me suena a q si pero buehhh, conectate bichiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (?) jajaja solo hay q tener un poquititito mas de paciencia para,yo estoy segura q pronto nuestra recompensa va a llegar, sino ya te dije, we'll burn the place dowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn okkkk DOWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN xD
    y si cin, si yo tdv estoy ahi sabelo q es x las pocas personas, y obviamente te incluye a vos ♥, q tdv qedan ahi... no seria lo mismo.. ya te voy a contratar cuando me meta en rr hh, vas a ver =) te voy a llevar conmigo a todos lados,
    hasta el lunes ,te quiero!

  2. tenes razon xD gracias.. tuve los re typos cuando escribi esto q ya me perdi en los q tenia q corregir xD tontas palabras q se parecen a las del español

    jajaja siii llevame U-U
